Silliman University

‘My Philippines mission service infused every aspect of my life and career’

As a mission co-worker and cultural worker in the Philippines, sometimes I am utterly exhausted. There are periods that require quite a bit of travel related to meetings and theater-based trainings for children, youth, church workers, teachers, women and others. When I am in Dumaguete, days sometimes stretch into late evenings for rehearsals with our youth theater group or with Silliman University Divinity School students preparing for the annual church workers convocation. So a few years ago, when asked by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program if my husband, Cobbie, and I would consider reopening the Philippines YAV service site, we pondered, could we? Should we? Could we say no?

Presbyterian Youth Triennium offering will help youth in Asia

This year’s Triennium participants will have the opportunity to help youth and families in Asia by giving generously to the offering collected on Wednesday, July 20. These funds will help transform shipping containers headed for landfills into a storm-resistant classroom for students at the National Heroes Institute in Leyte.