Cargo containers to become classrooms and churches in the Philippines
by Gregg Brekke and Tammy Warren | Presbyterian News Service
LOUISVILLE — It’s time to “GO” in Indiana.
- GO and See
- GO and Do Likewise
- Teach me the way I should GO
- Let my people GO
- GO into the world

A classroom to be built from shipping containers (Illustration courtesy Silliman University)
Presbyterian Youth Triennium, a gathering for high school age youth from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Cumberland Presbyterian Church starts today and runs through Saturday, July 23 at Purdue University in West LaFayette, Indiana.
This year’s Triennium participants will have the opportunity to help youth and families in Asia by giving generously to the offering collected tomorrow Wednesday, July 20. These funds will help transform shipping containers headed for landfills into a storm-resistant classroom for students at the National Heroes Institute in Leyte, part of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines. The classroom, designed by Silliman University engineers, may even help save lives because it will be used as a shelter during natural disasters.
The theme for Triennium 2016 is “GO.” From the first worship to the close of the five-day event, thousands of youth will explore what happens after Triennium; how those ‘go’ moments God calls them to transform their lives and, as a result, help change the world.
Speakers include:
- Rodger Nishioka, preaching opening night on the theme “Go and See.” Nishioka is also leading the Youth Worker Track.
- Anna Sweet Brockman, preaching Wednesday afternoon on the theme “Go and Do Likewise.”
- Lisa Cook—of Sacred Sparks Ministry in Nashville, Tennessee—joining Anna Sweet Brockman and the worship team as a special mission sharing guest.
- Alice Ridgill, preaching Thursday afternoon on the theme “Teach Me the Way I Should Go.”
- Steve Wilde, preaching Friday evening’s outdoor worship on the theme “Let My People Go.”
- Perryn Rice, preaching Saturday morning on the theme “Go Into the World.”
Triennium has been described as a life-giving, life-changing, faith-moving experience. For nearly 40 years, gatherings of Presbyterian youth every three years have helped young people connect across the church and move to the next ‘go’ moment in their lives.
To help support the project to build calamity-resilient classrooms/shelters/churches in the Philippines, give online at or mail checks, payable to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), to Presbyterian World Mission, PO Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA 15264. Please write E052070 in the memo line of your check.
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Categories: Evangelism & Discipleship, Faith & Worship, World Mission, Youth
Tags: calamity-resilient classrooms, Educate a Child, natural disasters, Presbyterian Youth Triennium, pyt, shelters, Silliman University, United Church of Christ in the Philippines
Ministries: Theology, Formation & Evangelism, Evangelism, World Mission