interpretation assignment

How Much Do I Need?

A letter from Burkhard Paetzold, serving in Germany | April 2018

Running for the Future with Hope

A Letter from Barry and Shelly Dawson, serving together as World Mission’s Regional Liaisons for Southeast Asia, based in Thailand | April 2018

Sewing With My Heroes

A Letter from Brian and Sandi Thompson-Royer, serving in Guatemala | April 2018

Worshiping in the Desert

A Letter from Cathy Chang and Juan Lopez, serving in the Philippines | April 2018

The Easter Laurel

A letter from David Cortes-Fuentes and Josey Saez Acevedo, serving in Cuba | April 2018

Making Connections

A Letter from Jeremy and Luta Garbat-Welch, serving in Malawi | March 2018