A Letter from Myoung Ho Yang and Ji Yeon Yoo, serving in Hong Kong
April 2018
Write to Myoung Ho Yang
Write to Ji Yeon Yoo
Individuals: Give online to E200521 for Myoung Ho Yang and Ji Yeon Yoo’s sending and support
Congregations: Give to D507584 for Myoung Ho Yang and Ji Yeon Yoo’s sending and support
Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery)
Dear Friends,
Greetings from Hong Kong!
We are approaching the end of our second term as mission co-workers. When we look back on our last two years of ministry, we give thanks to God because God called us to serve in Hong Kong in this season of our life and has led us up to today even though we are weak.
Our partner, the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, has been playing a significant role in equipping future leaders of churches in Hong Kong and mainland China for 60 years. Its uniqueness in being the only theological institution of all Chinese public universities has been providing an opportunity for mainland Chinese to come to this school for their theological education. While the population of Christianity is growing, there is a huge shortage of theologically well-educated leaders. There is only one seminary in all of mainland China that offers a master’s level theological education, but its education is limited to a small number of students.

Divinity School of Chung Chi College.
Considering the importance of this ministry, a sense of my being small and weak often flows over me; then I cannot but profess as others did: “I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number” (King Solomon speaking to God in 1 Kings 3:7-8). “Ah, Lord God, Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy.” (The Prophet Jeremiah speaking to God when answering God’s calling in Jeremiah 1:6).
If great instruments of God like King Solomon and the Prophet Jeremiah had to profess their weaknesses and lack of wisdom, how much more do people like me? But, the words of the Lord strengthen me and encourage me. The Lord said to the Church in Philadelphia, “I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word…. ” (Revelation 3:8). The Lord also spoke to the Apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). We haven’t done any great things like our great heroes/heroines in the Bible did, but we believe that the Lord is leading us and is fulfilling the will of the Lord even through us who have but little power. It is our desire that we live as servants after God’s own heart and continue to run this race faithfully.
We also give thanks to God because of co-workers like you. We get strengthened when we know you are with us. You have been with us through praying for us and supporting us emotionally and financially. How could we walk this far if you had not walked together with us?
At the end of every two-year term of mission service, we have a joyful opportunity to visit churches in the U.S. to share about how God has been working through our ministry. We still remember what we experienced in our visits in 2016: your warm welcome and smiles, big hugs, words of encouragement, and prayers. It was a precious time of sharing love with each other and reconfirming our partnership in God’s mission. We would like to have another precious time of sharing. This time, we will stay in the U.S. for two months, from May to June. We will then go back to Hong Kong for our next term. We are excited to visit your churches, presbyteries, synods, and other groups and gatherings if you would consider inviting us. We would also be very grateful if you could connect us with other churches or groups.
If you’re interested in inviting us and helping us connect with others, please let us know so that we can work out a schedule. We can participate in worship services, prayer meetings, small group meetings, or any other activities. We would be delighted to work with you in planning our schedule and format (preaching, giving a “minute for mission,” etc.), whatever would best suit your situation. Here are some ideas, but these are definitely not the only possibilities.
Possible settings:
• Worship services (Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, etc.)
• Special church events (any kind)
• Prayer meetings
• Fellowship or cell group gatherings
• Mission committee meetings
• Youth groups
• Young adult groups
• Bible study groups
• Campus ministry
• Presbytery or synod meetings
• Or any other special events
We deeply thank you for your partnership with us in this mission in Hong Kong. Your faithfulness in supporting us with your prayers and financial gifts has made this ministry possible. Please continue to walk with us so that we all can be a part of fulfillment of the words God said through the Prophet Habakkuk, which is also our prayer: “… the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14).
We are looking forward to meeting you and sharing our stories with you.
In Grace and Peace of Christ,
Myoung Ho and Ji Yeon
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