Posts Categorized: Advocacy

Does your congregation have a Justice Ministry?

Consider becoming a congregation-based community organizing group Congregation-based Community Organizing (CBCO) is a grassroots organizing approach for rebuilding communities, revitalizing congregations, and developing individuals into effective leaders and change agents. There are hundreds of CBCOs across the country, and gifts to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering allow PHP to fund these groups during… Read more »

Diving deeper into Gaza’s water crisis

Boys in West Bank filling water bottles Water for life and death – scarce water for thirsty Palestinians sustains life, while seawater destroys By Andrew Kang Bartlett, associate for national hunger concerns The Bible has a surprisingly large number of references to water. One concordance had 300 water references. From Noah’s Ark and the destructive flood to Isaiah’s well-watered garden and an… Read more »

God’s Gifts of Food & Water

Palestinian girl dragging water containers Starvation used as a weapon of war in Gaza By Andrew Kang Bartlett ‘How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a sibling in need and yet refuses help? Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.’ — 1 John 3:17-18 In… Read more »

Farm Bill Time!

farm bill graphic It’s time to begin raising our voices about the kind of food and agriculture we want for our towns, states and country — a food system that is equitable and sustainable! One that ensures the right to food for all and supports the workers and farmers who feed us! With that goal in mind, we’ve… Read more »

Presbyterians and Utmost Leadership in Earth’s Climate Crisis

group photo of PEC at Stony Pt Center By James R. Turner, guest writer from Presbyterians for Earth Care Humanity has only another decade left to achieve a decisive shift in our energy regime, so that we do not leave our children an Earth that is ravaged by climate heating. In “Investing in a Green Future: A Vision for a Renewed Creation” the… Read more »

AquaBounty Baits Philadelphia With Engineered Salmon

Image shows how GE salmon is created Philadelphia residents are test subjects for first U.S. sale of genetically engineered salmon FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 17, 2021 CONTACT:, Estefania Narvaez – (210) 837-3205 Unconsenting Philadelphians will soon unknowingly be eating the first genetically engineered animal to be released in U.S. markets. AquaBounty Technologies (NASDAQ: AQB) is planning its first commercial scale harvest of genetically… Read more »

Rural Revitalization Revelation!

Iowa celebrated Cinco de Mayo with a unique speech by Senator Bernie Sanders and Iowan farmers who called for an agricultural and rural transformation. “This is a game changer, a key paradigm change for the Farm and Food Movement and beyond,” said Presbyterian Iowa farmer, Brad Wilson. The Des Moines Register article led with: U.S…. Read more »

Climate Change and You

You are the reason I am going to Poland in the frigid month of December. I’ll be representing the PC(USA) at this global climate conference called COP24 (I’ll explain the name below) from December 3-10. Why you? Because you, and many other yous, will help make this a hospitable planet for our children and grandchildren…. Read more »

What Happened to the Farm Bill?

Where are things at? The Farm Bill expires at the end of this month. Yes. September 30. The House passed their version with deep and damaging cuts proposed to hunger, health, and conservation-related policies within this vast set of policies known as the Farm Bill. The Senate passed a version that was better on many… Read more »