Consider becoming a congregation-based community organizing group

Congregation-based Community Organizing (CBCO) is a grassroots organizing approach for rebuilding communities, revitalizing congregations, and developing individuals into effective leaders and change agents. There are hundreds of CBCOs across the country, and gifts to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering allow PHP to fund these groups during their start-up phase or in their ongoing efforts to prioritize and address affordable housing and the housing crisis.
CBCOs provide a vehicle for churches, schools, unions, and non-profit organizations to carry local concerns and values into public life, as they help create policies and access funds to improve their communities. These coalitions around the country have established a track record of highly successful campaigns and leveraged billions of dollars.
Learn more about community organizing through the Direct Action and Research Training Center’s (DART) upcoming Justice Ministry Conference. Questions? Contact Sarah Storar, Conference Director for DART at
Learn more about current CBCOs and PCUSA resources here.
The work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is possible thanks to your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing.