Mission Work Plan for 2017–2018

Presbyterian Mission Agency | Approved by the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board, February 5, 2016


Theological Foundation

The Great Ends of the Church (adapted from F-1.0304) are:

1. The proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind

We share the ways God has saved us and shows God’s love for all people through the good news of Jesus Christ.  (Matthew 10:7-8, John 3:16-17, Romans 1:16-17, Ephesians 2:13-14, 1 John 4:14-16)

2. The shelter, nurture and spiritual fellowship of the children of God

We connect and grow as God’s people, called to be a community of faith, hope, love, and witness.  (John 15:12-15, Acts 2:41-47, Romans 12:3-21, Ephesians 4:1-5 and 15-16)

3. The maintenance of divine worship

We praise God, from whom all blessings flow.  (2 Samuel 6:12-19, Psalm 22:22-27, Matthew 5:23-24, John 4:23-26, 1 Corinthians 11:23-34, Colossians 3:12-17)

4. The preservation of the truth

We speak truth that sets us free to love.   (Psalm 15, John 8:31-32, John 18:36-37, Ephesians 4:11-15, Ephesians 6:14-15)

5. The promotion of social righteousness

We follow Christ, who healed the sick, fed the hungry, freed the oppressed, and broke bread with outcasts and sinners.  (Matthew 9:9-14, Luke 4:18-19, Luke 7:22, James 1:22-2:8)

6. The exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world

And, just like Christ, we live as citizens of God’s reign, offering a life-giving alternative to a broken world.   (Matthew 5:13-16, Romans 12:2, 1 Peter 2:9-10)

We recognize these to be the goals for the Church, because we have been redeemed and called into ministry by Jesus Christ, because we live in gratitude for the grace given to us by God, and because we understand ourselves to be joined and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be the body of Christ.

As the Presbyterian Mission Agency in 2017–2018, we know that we are not solely responsible for the achievement of all these Great Ends. We understand that our role is to be faithful stewards of God’s blessings by focusing only on what the Church needs from the national church today, using the unique resources of the Presbyterian Mission Agency.


Presbyterians joyfully engaging in God’s mission for the transformation of the world.


Inspire, equip and connect the PC(USA) in its many expressions to serve Christ in the world through new and existing communities of faith, hope, love and witness.

Directional Goals

We will inspire, equip and connect existing and new worshiping communities to engage in God’s mission through:

• Evangelism & Discipleship

Grow, proclaim and live out our faith in Jesus Christ by working with our partners, here and around the world, to build communities that witness to the gospel of Christ’s love for the rich diversity reflected in all humankind.

• Servant Leader Formation

Seek, develop and energize diverse leaders who are answering God’s call to equip the Church to be a welcoming place of worship, mission and spiritual nurture for all of God’s children, especially those who have been marginalized.

• Justice & Reconciliation

Galvanize the church to act on issues of racism, violence and poverty as a prophetic witness to Christ’s transforming justice by speaking and living out God’s truth and compassion as we call ourselves and the world to account for injustice and oppression.

Core Values of the Presbyterian Mission Agency

The Presbyterian Mission Agency is a Christian ministry that values:

Compassion | Accountability | Teamwork | Faith | Dedication | Service | Justice