Organization for mission

The Book of Order (G-3.0106) provides that “each council shall develop a manual of administrative operations that will specify the form and guide the work of mission in that council.”

The Organization for Mission is the manual of administrative operations for the General Assembly. It specifies the form and guides the work of General Assembly mission.

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Contents of Organization for Mission


I. History of the Structure for Mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

A. The Unity of the Church

B. Commitment to Mission

C. Diversity and Inclusiveness

D. Tradition and Flexibility

E. Partnership

F. Personnel and Compensation

G. Additional Factors

II. Statement of Vision and Priority Goals for Mission

A. Statement of Vision

B. Goals

C. How Our Vision Unfolds

III. Mission of the General Assembly

IV. General Assembly Officers and Committees and the Office of the General Assembly

A. Moderator of the General Assembly

B. Stated Clerk of the General Assembly

C. Committees of the General Assembly

D. Review of Agencies and Committees

E. Proposed Amendments to Section IV

V. The Presbyterian Mission Agency

A. Policy Responsibility

B. Planning and Priority Setting

C. General Assembly Budget

D. Personnel Responsibilities

E. Reporting

F. Elected Leadership

1. Organization of the Presbyterian Mission Agency

2. Membership of the Presbyterian Mission Agency

G. Staff Leadership

1. Executive Director

2. Deputy Executive Directors

3. Staff

VI. Presbyterian Mission Agency Relationships

1. Advocacy and Advisory Committees

2. Committee on Theological Education

VII. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation

VIII. Other General Assembly Corporations

A. Board of Pensions

B. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation

C. Presbyterian Publishing Corporation

D. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Investment and Loan Program, Inc.

IX. Corporations Related to the General Assembly

X. Amendments


A. Financial Issues

B. List of Documents Related to Various Organizational Structures (Formerly Appendixes B-J)