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Posts Tagged: tuscaloosa
December 10, 2021
At first, nothing about Stillman College reminded Johnykqua [Jon-e-kwa] Bevans and Rayondre [Ray-on-dray] (Ray) Roberts of their home on the tropical island of Grand Bahama: not Alabama, not the food, not their classmates and not the as-yet unfamiliar Presbyterian tradition in which the college is steeped. But then there was the choir. Stillman’s nationally-renowned concert… Read more »
December 3, 2020
2015 was supposed to be a big year for Rose Bryant, with positive changes for her and her son —and it was! But things did not go exactly as expected. “A new work opportunity was supposed to open up so many doors for me,” Rose says, until it was discovered that she’d never finished college… Read more »