Posts Tagged: social media

Celebrating the 2020 Pentecost Offering with Our Youth (during COVID-19)

During this time of uncertainty and social distancing, engaging the children of your congregation with the four churchwide Special Offerings has never been more important. There are numerous ways children can connect with the Pentecost Offering, especially considering this Offering celebrates how God’s Spirit works in the lives of young people. We have a number… Read more »


am·bas·sa·dor /amˈbasədər/ a person who acts as a representative or promoter of a specified activity. For the past few years, we have gathered groups of people to train and send out on our behalf when an offering is approaching. We want to have a personal connection with each congregation, but there are only so many… Read more »

Special Offerings on the Social Web

Tech Tip Tuesday Round-trip commute to Louisville + full day of meetings + wife and 9-month-old son with the stomach flu = no post yesterday… sorry about that! The good news, however, is that I seem to be immune to this current bug (famous last words, right?). Okay, so, in last week’s Tech-tip Tuesday post… Read more »