Posts Tagged: resources

One Great Hour of Sharing Resources for Mid Council Leaders

You shall be called repairers of the breach. —Isaiah 58 Around the world, millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. Each gift to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) helps to improve the lives of people in these challenging situations. For 70 years, One Great Hour of Sharing… Read more »

One Great Hour of Sharing Resources

It is about time to start thinking about One Great Hour of Sharing! Through this longstanding, ecumenical effort, Presbyterians share God’s love by giving to ministries that provide relief to those affected by natural disasters, food for the hungry, and support towards the self-development of poor and oppressed communities. This offering is usually received on Palm… Read more »

Giving Joy

Engage your congregation in Joy Over time, we have noticed a trend here in Special Offerings: many of the stories we receive from congregations show how their young people have engaged in the life of the church through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog. The symbolic representation of PC(USA) ministries in the Giving Catalog have excited people… Read more »

Hunting Down Resources

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, finding resources to promote upcoming offerings can be difficult. Here are a few tips to get what you need quickly and efficiently.  Start your search at – we have compiled information about the offerings and links to resources on one page, so you don’t have to navigate the entirety… Read more »

New Year, New Logos!

Once upon a time (when I first started working in the office of Special Offerings), someone asked me for a logo to use for a conference.  Sure, we had logos for One Great Hour of Sharing, for Pentecost… but not one that embodied all four as a cohesive unit. A coworker added the words “Special… Read more »

Your One Stop Shop for Christmas Joy Resources

To find resources related to Special Offerings, the best place to start is always our website: (to go directly to the Christmas Joy page, click here).  You can find a link to our resource tag from this site. Resources available for the Christmas Joy offering include: Worship Resources Leader’s Guide Minutes for Mission Bulletin Inserts Poster… Read more »

The most common question

In case you were wondering how I decide what to write about on here, I’ll share my secret:  I take the questions I get from your phone calls, assume other people have those questions, and answer them on the internet. That’s it. The most common question I get about this time of year is some… Read more »