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Posts Tagged: repairers of the breach
March 18, 2021
When Manuel Nazario casts his net into the water these days, his catch is far less plentiful. In the remote area of Bolivia near the Paraguay-Argentina border, Manuel and the members of his indigenous community are finding that fishing, their traditional livelihood, is now in severe jeopardy. The Capirendita (pronounced CAP-IR-EN-DITA) community is grappling with… Read more »
February 5, 2021
Engaging the children of your congregation with the four churchwide Special Offerings has never been easier or more important, whether you are engaging them in-person or virtually. There are numerous ways children can connect with One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), including the engagement placemat and fish coin banks that often arrive in your standing… Read more »
March 18, 2020
Facing drought in Somalia Before a hunger emergency struck Somalia, Hawo Abdi and her husband were successful herders near their country’s border with Kenya. However, two years of intensive drought parched the land to the point that they could no longer raise the camels, cattle, sheep and goats that supported them. As her family faced… Read more »
March 4, 2020
This is God’s house It is likely that some of us, when we were growing up, were told that there were certain ways to behave in the church building, because it is God’s house. Maybe it was not to run, or to keep our voices quieted, or maybe we were taught to invite others in…. Read more »
March 14, 2019
What is “the church?” It’s a big question. Think about this: As the wider culture becomes less traditionally religious, the church—something we share as a congregation and individually hold dear in our hearts— becomes less understood, or misunderstood, by many. Like it or not, it’s a fact. And as hard as it is to admit,… Read more »