By Eileen Lindner Many cultures around the world celebrate a harvest festival. Here in the United States, Thanksgiving represents that feast to celebrate the fruitful harvest. Steeped in the piety of early Americans, the hallmark of the holiday was an outpouring of praise to God for the abundant harvest – for life itself. Over the… Read more »
By Rosemary C. Mitchell I grew up in a large Italian family. A hallmark of our life together was that there was always room at the table for a guest. When anyone, friend or stranger, arrived at the house, they were profusely welcomed and invited to have a seat and to eat. Always. No exceptions…. Read more »
You’re invited to a celebration of Presbyterian generosity where Presbyterians from across the country will come together to proclaim with our actions – and with our gifts – that we are the Church, together! And don’t worry – it will be socially distanced. Given all that is going on in our world, it may feel… Read more »
Guest post written by Dr. Patsy Smith, member of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board and Ruling Elder at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma It is Sunday morning. A reminder on my phone buzzes. Looking at the message I am alerted to “Proclaim Matthew 25!” I will take a moment to remind worshippers in… Read more »
Calendared amidst the commercial craze of Black Friday and Cyber Monday comes #GivingTuesday, a timely reminder that life is more about giving than getting. It is a verifiable fact that generosity enhances our well-being.[i] #GivingTuesday is celebrated the week following Thanksgiving and kicks-off the year-end charitable season. About 40 percent of all charitable giving occurs… Read more »
What Would Calvin Think about #GivingTuesday A guest post by Chip Hardwick Born just 70 years after Gutenberg built his first printing press, digital communication and social media were probably not even figments of John Calvin’s imagination. However, Calvin thought a lot about “helpfulness for our neighbor” and that is the thrust of #GivingTuesday, a… Read more »
You’ve heard of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday, but what about Giving Tuesday? As part of a global charitable giving effort, we’re inviting folks to take a breather from the spending frenzy and give back on Tuesday, December 2. Give to your congregation, presbytery, Special Offerings or a variety of national and… Read more »