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Posts Tagged: covid-19
August 25, 2020
Welcome to our new stewardship blog, “Where your heart is….” You may find yourself reflecting on this familiar verse from Matthew, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” whenever the offering plate is passed down your pew. As you drop your envelope, bills, or coins into the plate, you are entrusting… Read more »
May 11, 2020
Guest post by Clara Hare-Grogg, 2019-2020 Young Adult Volunteer The Philippines, where I served as a Young Adult Volunteer until being evacuated due to the global pandemic, is acutely vulnerable to disasters like volcanic eruptions, typhoons, and floods. Even everyday weather is notoriously unpredictable. The ability to deal with the unexpected has therefore embedded itself… Read more »
April 2, 2020
10 Stewardship Do’s 1. Pray. It’s what we do. I won’t belabor this point. 2. Cut yourself some slack. The last time leaders in the Church had to navigate post-Christendom, during a global pandemic is only right now. There’s no rule book. Trying to lead a community, sustain its ministries financially, all the while experiencing… Read more »