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Posts Tagged: church leaders
March 1, 2021
By Jon Moore The secret to successful fundraising for nonprofits — including the Church — is that our work is never about funds development per se, but rather about people development. A church fundraiser’s goal is not just to generate funds, but also to help in the formation of generous disciples who give out of… Read more »
October 5, 2020
Friends, we need your help To make support and promotion as easy as possible, we work to provide you with tools and resources to help explain the Giving Catalog’s role in Presbyterian Mission and motivate your members and your community to give generously. However, we understand that not all congregations are the same, and that… Read more »
December 19, 2019
The Gift of Being With What was the most perfect gift you ever received? A bike or doll when you were a kid? A video game, perhaps? Maybe it was the day you met your husband, your wife — or looked into the eyes of the newborn baby that someone laid in your arms. For… Read more »