Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Where Your Heart Is…

A Weekly Offerings Stewardship Blog

Children Can Be a Part of Giving!

Guest blog post by Karen Keller But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and don’t try to stop them! People who are like these children belong to God’s kingdom.” (Matthew 19:14 CEV) When I was a child growing up in the United Methodist Church, I remember that my parents once got a little… Read more »

Your Voice is Critical

Friends, we need your help To make support and promotion as easy as possible, we work to provide you with tools and resources to help explain the Giving Catalog’s role in Presbyterian Mission and motivate your members and your community to give generously. However, we understand that not all congregations are the same, and that… Read more »

Gain Life by Sharing in God’s Mission

By René Myers We live in a culture where we are encouraged to be afraid of others and to protect, at all cost, what we have for fear of losing it. Our current reality of living in an environment of pandemic seems to intensify that fear. That fear, I believe, is also at the root… Read more »

Peace & Global Witness: Malawi Matters

Radical and fearless discipleship Let’s stop for a moment to think about that which perhaps we cannot see. Let’s look beyond the walls of our church, beyond the boundaries of our community — even beyond the borders of our nation. There is much to see, much to talk about and think about … but for… Read more »

Peace & Global Witness: Hagar’s Community Church

Separated from the world, but not separated from God’s love The Washington Correctional Center for Women is both the largest and the only maximum and medium security prison for women in the state. It’s surrounded by barbed wire, and you have to go through five locked gates to get to the main population. But while… Read more »

Generosity Begets Generosity

By Chris Roseland There’s a millpond in the neighborhood where my family and I live. It has a couple of fountains in the middle of it that shoot water at least 10 feet in the air. Usually when the spring rains come, the water flows in and flows out. It’s beautiful. People, young and old,… Read more »

Peace & Global Witness: Peace in the Midst of War

“In a war zone, everyone is a target.” During this Season of Peace, we are reminded that peacemaking is active not passive, doing not waiting. Jaff Bamenjo (BA-MEN-JO), the coordinator of the Network for the Fight Against Hunger in Cameroon (RELUFA) and an International Peacemaker, has a very clear understanding of why this is important…. Read more »

Peace & Global Witness: Building God’s Household of Peace

The peace of Christ be with you Congregations of many denominations extend the peace of Christ with a blessing during their service. “The peace of Christ be with you (and also with you).” It is a blessing offered and a blessing returned in kind. The peace of Christ is part of what our faith offers… Read more »

Make an Adi Game to Play with Jerry Can

Jerry Can has a number of fun activities he wants to share with children around the country to help them learn about the importance of caring for one another. Follow the below instructions to make your very own Adi game, remembering how important it is sow seeds, placing things of concern in God’s hands. And… Read more »