New York Congregation Serves God’s Children Both Far and Near Through the Pentecost Offering

We were glad to share not only God’s good news with you but also our very lives because we cared for you so much. — 1 Thessalonians 2:8Plan Now to Share in Their Lives6 out of 10 youth will walk away from their faith sometime in their 20sSix out of ten. The Pentecost Offering is devoted to ministries that support our young people during their first third of life, the time from childhood through young adulthood, helping them build lifelong connections to their faith, churches, and communities.The first third of life is a time when spirituality, emotional health, cognitive development, and relationships take shape, influencing ideas and actions well into the future. This is a time when the church, and you, can nurture and guide our youth by sharing with them God’s good news and our very lives to lead them on a path towards a bright and faith-led future.Get involved. Speak with your congregation about the ministries supported by the Offering.Your own church and local youth programs Developing and supporting programs for children at risk, youth, and young adults in your own church and communityYoung Adult Volunteers (YAV) Providing opportunities for young adults to serve in communities around the world and grow as leaders through transformative Christian serviceMinistries with Youth Helping to guide our youth by uniting them in Christ and lifting them up as leaders and messengers of God’s wordAdvocacy and education for at-risk youth Supporting vital ministries to improve education and provide a safe haven for children across the globeInvest in their first third of lifePlease share gladly and give generously to the Pentecost Offering.Resources are available online and through Presbyterian Distribution Services. We’re here to help! Feel free to contact us if you have questions or need any assistance.
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