Posts Categorized: Refugees

Pentecost: Teaching English, Showing Love

Serving young immigrants and refugees Keeping up in school is hard enough, but for many students around the country, learning a new language while also learning other subjects can be daunting. How can children be expected to survive—let alone thrive—in such a situation? Seeing an opportunity to help these children improve their chances of success… Read more »

Peace & Global Witness: Houston Church Chooses Welcome

Guest post by Kate Burkart, Chair of the Peacemaking and Social Justice Committee at St. Philip Presbyterian Church When the Peacemaking and Social Justice Committee of St. Philip Presbyterian Church in Houston, TX, gathered at its first meeting of 2017, committee members sought to discern what focus of its work to concentrate on in the coming… Read more »

Restoring Streets in Syria

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance supports refugees In 2012, civil war broke out in Syria, where ISIL’s presence continues to create violence and fear. More than 250,000 people have been killed, and 13.5 million others have had to leave their homes and seek safety in Lebanon, Europe, and the United States. Thanks to our gifts to One… Read more »

Responding to the Syrian Crisis

During this Season of Peace, the Syrian refugee crisis has provided a striking example of the need for Christ’s peace in the world.

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