Posts Categorized: Giving

Christmas Joy: Creating Positive Change in the World

Officially, the Presbyterian Pan American School (PPAS) is a Christian international college-preparatory boarding school located in Kingsville, Texas, but to Adelite Hategeka it is a second home filled with family from around the world. “My favorite thing about the school is the people you meet,” she says. “We rely on each other and learn how… Read more »

Christmas Joy: A Love Story

A legacy of love and faith Rev. Ken Tracy has spent much of his more than 30 years with the PC(USA) helping congregations work through conflict and revitalize their membership — a mission grounded in love. If you have the opportunity to talk with Rev. Tracy for even a few minutes, it’s easy  to understand… Read more »

You’re Invited to a Celebration of Presbyterian Generosity

You’re invited to a celebration of Presbyterian generosity where Presbyterians from across the country will come together to proclaim with our actions – and with our gifts – that we are the Church, together! And don’t worry – it will be socially distanced. Given all that is going on in our world, it may feel… Read more »

Celebrating the 2020 Christmas Joy Offering with Our Youth (during COVID-19)

Celebrating the 2020 Christmas Joy Offering with Our Youth (during COVID-19) As we continue through this time of uncertainty and social distancing, engaging the children of your congregation with the four churchwide Special Offerings has never been more important. There are numerous ways children can connect with the Christmas Joy Offering, sharing the joy of… Read more »

Designated Giving Can Be the Start of a Beautiful Friendship

By Sy Hughes When I joined the foundation related to a small military school in Virginia, my boss, a retired U.S. Army colonel, made it clear. “If anyone wants to designate a gift, you say, ‘yes sir/ma’am and thank you.’’’ Not having been in the military myself, I thought this was a grand time to… Read more »

Love Offering – Life Offering

By Lemuel Garcia-Arroyo Jesus points to a widow who gives out of love. She did not seem embarrassed about a small gift, nor did it prevent her from giving. The Passover week was the time for the annual pilgrimage, and there were crowds going to the temple to bring their offerings. Amid this multitude there… Read more »

Children Can Be a Part of Giving!

Guest blog post by Karen Keller But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and don’t try to stop them! People who are like these children belong to God’s kingdom.” (Matthew 19:14 CEV) When I was a child growing up in the United Methodist Church, I remember that my parents once got a little… Read more »

Your Voice is Critical

Friends, we need your help To make support and promotion as easy as possible, we work to provide you with tools and resources to help explain the Giving Catalog’s role in Presbyterian Mission and motivate your members and your community to give generously. However, we understand that not all congregations are the same, and that… Read more »

Peace & Global Witness: Building God’s Household of Peace, Together

We are the peacemakers Peacemaking is active not passive; doing not waiting. Let’s let that sink in for a moment: peacemaking is active, not passive; doing, not waiting. And this is A Season of Peace when we, the church together, are focused on seeking peace and reconciliation. Together we are building God’s house of peace… Read more »

Gain Life by Sharing in God’s Mission

By René Myers We live in a culture where we are encouraged to be afraid of others and to protect, at all cost, what we have for fear of losing it. Our current reality of living in an environment of pandemic seems to intensify that fear. That fear, I believe, is also at the root… Read more »