By now, you’re probably familiar with the structure of the Pentecost Offering, with its funds designated to ministries with youth, young adults, and children at risk.
This year, we will be partnering with the churchwide Educate a Child, Transform the World initiative as part of our outreach to children at risk. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has recognized lack of education as one of the root causes of poverty, setting an ambitious goal of “quality education for one million children by the year 2020.” This initiative builds on our strong Reformed heritage and Presbyterian history of both educational mission and advocacy and support for access to public education. On the national level, this will center around strengthening early childhood education and reducing the dropout rate of adolescents. Ten percent of your gifts to the Pentecost Offering will be dedicated to Educate a Child.
How does your congregation use the 40% retained from the Pentecost Offering?