Digging deep to sponsor a sand dam
One of the most fun parts of hearing stories from your congregations’ summer programming is the wide range of themes we see. Today’s story is from Middle Creek Presbyterian Church in Winnebago, Illinois, where their Vacation Bible Camp theme was Cave Quest!
Director Kris Bomgarden writes, “The Middle Creek VBC (we call it camp rather than school) was an outstanding success. We had 36 kids attend our evening sessions from June 26-30. Our theme was Cave Quest and these awesome spelunkers raised $500 to purchase a sand dam!”
“I tried to give the kids an idea of how much any gallons of water a dollar would provide. I just used 20 gallons for every dollar. It was a number the kids could grasp. I used the photos you sent to show the different levels of giving would provide. Every night I announced the goal and how many gallons we collected. I said it would be awesome if we could raise enough for a sand dam, however, I told the kids we would decide together how to use our money on the last evening. The giving was tremendous. We did have 3 donations of $50 or more but it was neat to find many of the kids giving their own money they had earned. God was touching their hearts and their enthusiasm was amazing! Blessings abound!!!”

Giving Catalog Related Item:
Sand Dam
$500 | Item OG30005
Thank you, Kris, for sharing the story of these ambitious spelunkers. We love to hear it.
To share your stories, email specialofferings[at]pcusa.org!