You may never have thought of yourself as a builder, but you are — we all are. Some people you know actually do build solid things like houses and bridges or maybe roads and highways. But we all build things that support our future.
Perhaps you build a garden each spring or a menu plan for the week. At work, maybe you build a project plan that helps your team get to their goal or a budget that sustains not just your work, but the employment that many count on. We build relationships with our neighbors and friendships that may last a lifetime. Teachers are tremendous builders; among the best of all.
Take a look around you … everyone you see is a builder of some sort. And let’s not forget we stand on the shoulders of those who built this church — and I am not just talking about the walls or the pews. I am talking about building the commitment, relationships, sustainability, and constant affirmation of the faith and the purpose that we share.
Look around you … we are all builders.
Building a foundation of faith in the young people who will sustain the future of the church is an important part of our ministry — our shared opportunity. Remember Whitney Houston’s song that contained the lyrics “I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way”? That song could actually be the theme for what I am here to ask you to really think about — the reason that we receive the Pentecost Offering.
The Pentecost Offering, one of four Special Offerings of the PC(USA), builds up the body of Christ by investing in children from their earliest years to young adulthood. The Offering supports formative and inspiring opportunities for youth here in our nation and in communities around the world. Young people like Gina, Yuriko and Tariq, who have had their lives changed by Presbyterian Mission-funded programs, including the “Educate a Child, Transform the World” national initiative, our Presbyterian Youth Triennium and other camps and gatherings, and the Young Adult Volunteer Program. Sixty percent of the Offering supports projects like these, but 40% of our Offering stays right here. (DESCRIBE WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR PORTION OF THE OFFERING)
With our gifts, we are building these youngest members of the body of Christ into the people God would have them become.
Please give generously. For as we always say — if we all do a little, it adds up to a lot.
Let us pray ~
Spirit of God, work with and through us as we build up the body of Christ by cementing a strong foundation of faith with children, youth and young adults. May our efforts reflect the joy and delight that Jesus showed in welcoming children. Amen.