Are you looking for worship materials to use in conjunction with the Peace & Global Witness Offering? The Office of Special Offerings, thanks to the help of several friends, has you taken care of.
Our worship resources, written by the Rev. John Douglas Leedy from First Central Presbyterian Church in Abilene, TX, include:

- Suggested Hymns
- Call to Worship
- Opening Prayer
- Confession and Pardon
- Prayer for Illumination
- Call for Offering
- Prayer of Thanksgiving
- Charge and Blessing
We also have an additional Great Prayer of Thanksgiving, written by Rev. Bryce Wiebe, Director of Special Offerings, that you can substitute in.
Finally, we have a beautiful sample sermon, titled Peace at All Times, penned by Rev. Dr. John A. Dalles from Wekiva Presbyterian Church in Longwood, FL.
Additional resources, such as Minutes for Mission and children’s curriculum, can be found on our website at
We hope you utilize our worship materials in the lead up to the Peace & Global Offering and on World Communion Sunday on October 7th. Blessings to you and your congregation during this Season of Peace.