Your Giving Repairs the Breaches that Separate People from Lives of Wholeness
When the forces of chaos and calamity rip the fabric of human life, your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts are there to sew it back together.
Your generosity fulfills a vision rooted in the biblical witness and beautifully stated in Isaiah 58:12. The prophet writes: “You shall be called the repairer of the
breach, the restorer of streets to live in.”
Around the world, One Great Hour of Sharing ministries bridge the divides that tear apart the lives of individuals and communities.
In Puerto Rico…

credit: Mike Fitzer
a U.S. territory that was devastated by Hurricane Maria last year, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance promised help to the island’s Presbyterian
leaders even before the storm made landfall. Days after Maria hit, the first wave of PDA grants arrived and immediately pressing community needs were being met. Desperately needed items such as food, water, diapers and medical supplies were in the hands of hurricane survivors swiftly. Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing made it possible for PDA to act promptly in Puerto Rico, Texas, Florida and other places when disasters struck in rapid succession last year. In addition, PDA will continue working in these communities long after other groups leave.
In Akron, Ohio…
Diretha’s recovery from drug addiction was threatened by more than a decade of unemployment. She says her decision to join the Front Porch Café community helped her get a job and remain drug-free. The Front Porch consists of individuals who struggle with drug addiction or who seek to re-enter society after spending time in prison. At the Front Porch, they can eat a good meal, learn and grow among others who have experienced similar struggles, and receive guidance on employment opportunities. A Self-Development of People grant, made possible by One Great Hour of Sharing gifts, helped renovate and equip the building that houses the café.
“If I hadn’t gotten involved with the Front Porch, there is a chance I would have started using again and been in prison or even died,” Diretha says. Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing gifts contribute to positive change that lasts.
In Uganda…
Najjuma, a 56-year-old widow, depends on eight acres of farmland to feed three children and eight grandchildren left orphaned by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. However, her in-laws ordered her to leave the land her late husband had inherited. Thanks to training programs held by Action for Rural Women’s Empowerment(ARUWE), a partner of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, Najjuma knew the law was on her side. She successfully appealed for help through local land-governance structures. Your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts helped Najjuma continue to farm the land and improve farming techniques in order to feed her children and grandchildren.
In places far and near…
your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts repair breaches that pierce the wholeness that God wants for everyone.
Please give generously.
Let Us Pray:
Holy God,
we pray for those who are separated from the fullness of life that you desire for all people. Strengthened by your love and mercy, may we bridge the gaps of injustice that keep people from experiencing lives of wholeness and fulfillment. Amen.
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For more information and resources related to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, visit .
This post is based on the minute for mission script which can be found on our website as a script.
Please give generously to the Offering:
- Through your congregation
- Text OGHS to 20222 to give $10