Make a difference for a woman today.
Around the world, women are striving to reduce hunger and poverty in their communities. Through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog, you can assist in the empowerment of these women by providing agricultural and vocational training, literacy education, and access to loans and credit services for women.
Naigaga Monica is one such woman. A mother and farmer in eastern Uganda, Monica serves as a Community Agriculture Trainer through an initiative supported by the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Supplied with improved seed and educated in new farming techniques, she and 59 other women greatly increased the yields of their farms and improved the food and economic security of their families. “On two acres, we used to harvest 100 kilograms of maize, and on a quarter-acre, we harvested only 10 kilograms of beans,” Monica said. “With the new seed and techniques, we harvested 700 kilograms of maize and 70 kilograms of beans in the first season. Above all, my children will no longer go to sleep hungry. We have plenty of cassava, beans, and sweet potatoes to eat.”
All of this is possible because of your generous gifts to the Presbyterian Giving Catalog and One Great Hour of Sharing. Even the smallest gifts can make a big impact in the lives of others. Find more stories like this one here.

Giving Catalog Related Item:
$100/participant | ITEM OG10030