Give a gift and share God’s blessings through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog
How many “reward” programs do you belong to? From key tags we scan at the grocery, to coupons delivered in our email, it seems we’re always being congratulated when we buy for ourselves. It’s easy to forget the even greater rewards of giving to others. Second Corinthians 9 reminds us, “You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us” (v. 11). The joy we can find in giving is what the Presbyterian Giving Catalog is all about.
When you make a gift through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog, you help support a diverse array of causes and programs through Special Offerings. The Presbyterian Giving Catalog shows the tangible things your support can make possible.

One example is the story of Janet Mujawayezu, who is featured on the cover of our 2015–2016 catalog. Janet, a 35-year-old mother of three, belongs to a savings group supported by a partnership between The Presbyterian Church of Rwanda and The Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People. Through this savings group, Janet was able to take out a small loan to cultivate a crop of beans. A portion of her first crop helped feed her family and the rest were sold at market. Using her profits, she was able to purchase two pigs for breeding. With each step, Janet is working to create a sustainable income to lift her family out of poverty. Gifts like yours help Janet turn hopes into reality.
Janet’s story is one of many. When you browse the Presbyterian Giving Catalog, you are sure to find a cause that’s meaningful to you. A few clicks, and you’ll soon find more than your cart is full.
Please give generously.