I love hearing ideas from our constituents. Bonnie from Graves Memorial Presbyterian Church in Clinton, NC called recently to say that their congregation had found a great idea – on Pinterest, of all places!
Knowing that the summer Vacation Bible School was using a “water” theme, Bonnie was looking for a fundraiser to tie in the Giving Catalog. Their goal was to buy a whole well! She found the idea to fill water bottles with dimes as a fundraiser, and decided to make it work for her congregation. When I talked to her after the project had completed, she said the whole process was wonderful – and very easy to get everyone excited about.
- Bonnie bought 8 oz water bottles, and found that they held roughly $40 worth of dimes
- She used address labels to put instructions on each bottle – the youth group helped her stick them on in no time
- Kids handed out bottles on Mother’s Day, and extras were kept in the church office for those who missed it
- Members were reminded to bring their bottles back (filled!) on the Sunday after Father’s day – to kick off VBS

This inspiring story (and some Pinterest searching of my own) got me thinking – what about changing it up and making a piggy bank to sponsor a piglet from the new catalog?
Do you have a great idea for promoting the Giving Catalog? Let us know!