I often find that people I speak to in the congregations don’t know all of the ways our team can help make the offerings a success.
In addition to the materials that congregations receive in their standing order packets, materials such as leader’s guides, worship planning and minutes for mission are available to download from our website. You can go to specialofferings.pcusa.org, click on the upcoming offering, then scroll down to “all offering resources” (One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost Offering, Peace & Global Witness Offering, Christmas Joy Offering).
If you want a more personal interaction with Special Offerings, invite us to come speak! We are happy to come meet with presbyteries, congregations, mission committees… to thank you for your gifts, to discuss new ways you could get involved, or tell stories of impact from gifts like yours. Visits will be made in some cases by our dedicated Special Offerings Ambassadors, or by members of our staff team – depending on your needs and location.
Call us!
We are available by phone (502) 569-50 47, or email at specialofferings@pcusa.org. Let us know what’s on your mind, and we’ll see how we can help!