After an offering is received in churches (like One Great Hour of Sharing, taken on Palm Sunday or Easter), I often get calls asking where to remit these donations. The short answer is, “through your standard receiving agency” – but what does that mean?
Churches are invited to make a note of the offering in the memo line and send their collected funds through their Presbytery, or to the PC(USA) lock box:
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
P.O. Box 643700
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700
Sending your check to the office of Special Offerings (in Louisville) will delay your gift – because we have to send it to the lock box!
Individuals can send a check to the lock box (make sure to write the offering name on the memo line), give online or by texting OGHS to 20222 ($10 donation).
Just remember, you should never send cash through the mail!
Any other questions? Write me at