We’re coming up quickly on World Communion Sunday, so you know what that means… it’s time to put the finishing touches on preparations for the Peacemaking and Peace & Global Witness offerings! I’ll spend this week posting more information about each offering, where to find last-minute resources and helpful worship guides to get you ready for the big day.
Today we’ll talk about the difference between the Peacemaking Offering and the Peace & Global Witness Offering.

The Peacemaking Offering began in 1980, and is currently received by 20% of congregations. Funds received from this offering are dedicated to the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program. Congregations and mid councils are encouraged to retain 50% of this offering (25/25% split) for their own peacemaking mission efforts.
The Peacemaking Leader’s Guide can be found here.
Recently, the Special Offerings Advisory Task Force saw potential to expand this offering to include World Mission – which was not currently a recipient of Special Offerings funds. At the most recent General Assembly (2014), the Presbyterian Mission Agency was directed to work towards a collaborative effort of peace and global witness. This will be the final year for the Peacemaking Offering as we move toward combining these goals.

The Peace & Global Witness Offering will begin this year, taken alongside the Peacemaking Offering. The shift to include global witness in this offering will extend the depth of the offering and inspire more Presbyterians to join this mission. The Peace & Global Witness Leader’s Guide can be found here.
Both offerings are suggested to be taken on World Communion Sunday, October 5. If your congregation has traditionally taken Peacemaking, you were sent Peacemaking materials. If your congregation has not taken the offering recently, you were sent a sample packet of information about Peace & Global Witness.
What will change?
If your congregation has historically given to this offering, nothing will change this year. Your gifts will still be designated to the Peacemaking Program at current levels. Next year, the name will change to Peace and Global Witness, but your gifts will still be designated to the Peacemaking Program. In 2016, the transition will be complete, and designation will be devoted to ministries that specifically include peacemaking, as well as global witness.
Congregations who take the Peace & Global Witness Offering this year will have their gifts directed to projects that promote peacemaking and global witness.
What won’t change?
Distribution – 25% of this offering will continue to be retained by congregations, 25% by mid councils, with 50% of offering receipts coming to the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
Dedication – we don’t feel that the change to include global witness decreases our dedication at all to peacemaking. It is our belief that peacemaking and global witness fit together hand in hand.
So there is a quick rundown of the difference between Peacemaking and Peace & Global Witness offerings. I look forward to exploring these with you more this week!