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Posts Tagged: food security
August 2, 2017
By Spurgeon Raj | Coordinator of Chethana, Joining Hands India Once Millets were an integral part of the culture and diet of the tribal peoples of Srikakulum District of Andhra Pradesh in India. However, over the last few decades, due to impacts from the green revolution and unsupportive measures by the state, nearly 85% of… Read more »
May 25, 2017
Following years of war coupled with extreme drought, South Sudan is experiencing major disruptions in food production and supply resulting in extreme food shortages and malnutrition. According to USAID “An estimated 5.5 million people—nearly half of South Sudan’s population—will face life threatening hunger by July [2017].” In emergency disaster situations such as famine, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) partners with ACT Alliance to… Read more »