Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Together for Justice

International Development and Advocacy

The International Community Must Respond to the Debt Crisis

By Aldo Caliari | Jubilee USA The pandemic-induced global economic crisis reversed years of progress in reducing poverty and hunger worldwide. Crushing debt burdens in developing countries are a crucial factor amplifying the impacts and limiting their capacity to respond. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), 60% of the poorest countries, and one-third of… Read more »

Call to Action: Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act of 2022

Malnutrition is preventable. By next year, approximately 14 million children are expected to be severely malnourished. Roughly 811 million people worldwide face hunger now. Investing in nutrition saves lives. We encourage you to reach out to your members of Congress to ask them to support the Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act of 2022 (H.R…. Read more »

The Fall 2022 Edition of the PHP Post is Available!

In the Eradicating Systemic Poverty issue… From Reform to Transformation: Ending Hunger and Eradicating Poverty Eradicating Systemic Poverty and Hunger Building Relationships First, Then Working Together for Change Matthew 25 Assertions on Poverty The Global Debt Crisis and Worsening Hunger and Poverty International Guests Become Friends The Three L’s of Relationships Global Hunger on the… Read more »

Global Debt Crisis and Worsening Hunger and Poverty

By Eileen Schuhmann | Presbyterian Hunger Program Staff Debt is a root cause of hunger and poverty. Global debt (which includes borrowing by governments, businesses and people) surpassed $300 trillion in 2021, a record $77 trillion increase from 2020, which the International Monetary Fund cautions is at dangerously high levels.[i] This extraordinary borrowing has stemmed… Read more »

Global Hunger on the Rise

By Valery Nodem | Presbyterian Hunger Program This article was originally published in the PHP Post Fall 2022 According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), global hunger has reached record levels. Although this steep increase started before the war in Ukraine, it has accelerated the trend — including subsequent bans of wheat export… Read more »

RELUFA publishes report on diamond mining sites in Cameroon

The Republic of Cameroon is a participant of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. The Kimberley Process is meant to increase transparency and oversight in the diamond industry, as well as eliminate conflict diamonds. RELUFA, the Joining Hands network in Cameroon, is a member of the Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition (KPCSC). The KPCSC observes the… Read more »

2021 PHP Impact Report is Available!

Download the latest PHP Impact Report and see what your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing and PHP helped achieve in 2021.   The work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is possible thanks to your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing.

The Spring 2022 Edition of the PHP Post is Available

The theme of the Presbyterian Hunger Program’s latest resource is congregational vitality How do ministries of alleviating hunger, providing affordable housing, caring for the earth and building just societies help enliven congregations? Read about congregational vitality that comes through efforts to work on hunger and its root causes in the latest edition of the PHP… Read more »

All those affected by war deserve our equal concern and support

By Jaff Bamenjo | RELUFA, Joining Hands Cameroon On the 24th of February 2022, the Russian military invaded Ukraine generating an international outcry and concern for the atrocities and sufferings inflicted on the civilian population. Millions of people have been leaving Ukrainian towns and cities to neighbor countries in Europe such as Poland, Hungary, Moldova,… Read more »