Posts Categorized: Advocacy

Corruption Challenges Continue Despite New Mining Code in DR Congo

By Elie Kadima | POM, Democratic Republic of Congo After twelve years of implementing the 2002 Mining Code in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the problem of community poverty in mining zones had not been resolved. This was due to the absence of provisions in the code to boost community development. POM (Platform of Civil… Read more »

Toxic Sugar Production in El Salvador

By Norma Carolina Mejía | National Coordinator, ARUMES The issue of agrochemicals in El Salvador deepened with the so-called Green Revolution between 1960 and 1980, which introduced the sale of agricultural technology, improved seeds, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The improved seeds were more resistant to pests and had higher yields, if the appropriate chemical fertilizers… Read more »

Strengthening the Kin-dom in Perú

By Milushka Rojas | Coordinator, Red Uniendo Manos Perú Perú is a country blessed by its natural riches in which we continue to learn to value cultural, geographic, economic, and political diversity. I remember my parents were always questioning and reflecting on the problems of Perú. In 2000, when our country was experiencing the end… Read more »

Act NOW to Stop Starvation in Afghanistan

Afghanistan is quickly deteriorating into a situation of mass starvation. Like most global cases of extreme hunger and famine, the unfolding disaster in Afghanistan is human-made in the sense that political decisions, policies, and conflict are the primary drivers of extreme hunger and starvation there. And in the case of Afghanistan, U.S. policy is driving… Read more »

Major Victory Against Mining Toxins in Peru

By Jed Koball | Mission Co-worker, Peru Inside the government palace, sitting at the opposite end of the conference table from Prime Minister Mirtha Vasquez, Yolanda Zurita, representing communities affected by toxic metal poisoning in Peru, posed the question, ‘Why not ease our suffering by implementing our dream – a comprehensive and integrated health care… Read more »

Global theft revealed in Pandora Papers

By Valery Nodem | Presbyterian Hunger Program The world was shocked by the recent Pandora Papers investigation and publication, which revealed the secret offshore financial records of wealthy and powerful figures from around the world. For years, more than 600 journalists, from 150 media organizations in 117 countries, have analyzed 12 million records leaked from… Read more »

International Day of Indigenous Peoples: Celebrate or Protest?

By Rev. Eduardo Arboccó | Reformed Evangelical Church of Peru Para la versión en español In 1993, the United Nations proclaimed a resolution promoting the celebration every August 9 of “International Day of Indigenous Peoples.¨ So, who are indigenous peoples? And how do we celebrate their day? One definition of indigenous peoples states that: “they… Read more »

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Escribe: Eduardo Arboccó de Iglesia Evangélica Peruana en Ingeniería For the English version En 1993, desde la ONU se proclamó una resolución que promueve celebrar cada 09 de agosto el “Día Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas”. La definición de pueblos indígenas menciona que: “son herederos y practicantes de culturas únicas y formas de relacionarse con… Read more »

Video: Joining Hands for 20 Years!

PHP is celebrating 20 years of Joining Hands with partners around the world who are advocating for justice. In 2000, the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) determined that direct food aid and training programs alone will not end hunger in the world. In response, PHP started Joining Hands. Joining Hands helps organize and support networks of… Read more »

Celebrating Women’s Victories Around the World

By Eileen Schuhmann | Presbyterian Hunger Program On March 8, we celebrate International Women’s Day and the achievement of women as well as acknowledge the continued struggle for gender equality. The Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) has a long history of partnering with women-led organizations as well as organizations that center the development and empowerment of… Read more »