Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, picturesque Asheville, North Carolina, is a frequent tourist destination known for its hospitality, arts, great restaurants and breweries. Consistently ranked as one of America’s best places to live, the growth of the 86,000-person community has also been accompanied by the challenges that face many other expanding cities, and Presbyterian Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs) are there to learn and help meet these needs.
Beyond the white sand beaches, palm trees and luxury oceanfront properties lies another Miami—in the lives of marginalized people who have arrived in this city full of promise and culture. Three Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs) from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are focusing their energies on residents of this other Miami, spending a year of service and learning in the community.
Hannam University in Daejeon, South Korea—consistently recognized as one of Asia’s best Christian universities—is the first school outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico to join the Association of Presbyterian Colleges and Universities (APCU) as a full voting member.
The lives of nearly 80 young adults were transformed recently as the 2016–2017 Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) class gathered at Stony Point Conference Center in New York to begin their YAV experience; each had signed up for “a year of service for a lifetime of change.”
Congregations Help Provide a Home for Those Once Known as ‘Garbage Children’ April 28, 2016 As a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Young Adult Volunteer in Mombasa, Kenya, Anni Reinking worked in… Read more »