world mission

Vaccine rollout varies greatly around the world

More than 894 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in 155 countries, about 5.9% of the global population, including 209 million doses in the U.S., according to Bloomberg News. But the availability of vaccine varies greatly around the world, with smaller countries finding themselves a distant priority.

Will you be an advocate?

The Syria-Lebanon Partnership Network (SLPN) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) recently held a virtual gathering with 119 registrants from three continents, six countries and 10 time zones. The theme for the interactive Zoom meeting was “Aid Not Sanctions: Take the Knee Off the Newck of the Syrian People.”

No such thing as neutral

This is it. The hard conversation. You’re prepared to lead your church group in the difficult work of antiracism. You’ve researched the perfect book. You’ve got the webinar cued up. You have your difficult but necessary questions prepared. But have you done your own work?

A webinar on the current context of the Palestinian people

A webinar focusing on the current context of the Palestinian people, including disparity in access to COVID-19 vaccines, is scheduled from noon through 1 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, April 27. The event is hosted by Presbyterian World Mission’s Middle East and Europe office and the Office of Public Witness.

Leading the PC(USA) from a world away

Just when most young people were beginning to imagine what nontraditional instruction might look like during COVID-19, Sami Han set about picturing an even more nontraditional path. She moved to South Korea with her parents.

Facing our investment in domination

The first time I heard Shawnee-Lenape author and Indigenous-rights activist Steven T. Newcomb discuss “The Doctrine of Domination,” something clicked. I was familiar with the papal bull Dum Diversas, which facilitated the Portuguese slave trade from West Africa, but what struck me was his use of the word domination to describe the series of papal bulletins used to justify conquest, genocide, slavery, occupation and war. His articulation reveals the church as an architect, legitimator and apologist for domination.

‘A saint has gone home to heaven’

Trinity Presbytery recently announced that Rev. William Anderson passed away peacefully on March 22 at the Clinton Presbyterian Community in Clinton, South Carolina. He and wife Lois, who preceded him in death, served as mission co-workers in Africa for 49 years (1951-2000), 37 of those years in Sudan and South Sudan. The couple also served for brief stints in Kenya and Uganda.

‘There is so much need’

The small open pickup truck, laden with large boxes, made its way cautiously down Alexander Fleming Street, an offshoot alley of Mar Mikhael Road, and just a few minutes walking distance from the Port of Beirut. “Hello! Hello,” Norma Irani warmly greeted Elias Habib, a youth leader of the Joint Christian Committee (JCC). “And you brought my new gas stove!”