The 63rd Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is scheduled for March 11–22, 2019, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The event is expected to draw representatives from member states, U.N. entities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from around the world. Applications are now being accepted and can be accessed on the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations (PMUN) web page.
When the #MeToo hashtag exploded on the social media scene in October 2017, no one could have predicted its continued impact on the treatment of women both in and out of the workplace. For a while, #MeToo seemed to be more about bringing down famous people in big corporations or enterprises, like Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer. Hollywood is one thing, but harassment isn’t supposed to happen in churches, right?
When the #MeToo hashtag exploded on the social media scene in October 2017, no one could have predicted its continued impact on the treatment of women both in and out of the workplace. For a while, #MeToo seemed to be more about bringing down famous people in big corporations or enterprises, like Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer. Hollywood is one thing, but harassment isn’t supposed to happen in churches, right?
In each of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s partner relationships in Lebanon, Iraq and Syria, women in leadership roles lead with grace, strength, vision, collaboration and energy, despite immense challenges and pressures. The guests of honor of the General Assembly of the National Evangelical (Presbyterian) Synod of Syria and Lebanon (NESSL)
Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries (RE&WM) of the Presbyterian Mission Agency has a new name. The ministry area is now Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries (RE&WIM).
Presbyterian Women from across the country will gather in Louisville August 2-5 to celebrate the 2018 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women (PW). Susan Jackson Dowd, executive director of Presbyterian Women, Inc., said she is pleased PW, Inc., is bringing the triennial PW Churchwide Gathering back to Louisville for its 30-year anniversary celebration.
The 2016 presidential electoral campaign brought up issues that were disturbing to many women. The criteria for the fitness of the female candidate for the office of president, such as comments about the clothes she wore, were standards seemingly not imposed on male candidates in the race. The comments surrounding women’s bodies were also alarming. These conversations brought up a sort of post-traumatic stress disorder for women who have experienced sexual harassment and discrimination.
La campaña electoral presidencial del 2016 planteo cuestiones que perturbaban a muchas mujeres. Los criterios de aptitud de una mujer candidata para el cargo de presidente, como comentarios sobre la ropa que llevaba, por ejemplo, eran normas aparentemente no impuestas a los candidatos masculinos en la contienda. Los comentarios que rodean los cuerpos de las mujeres también eran alarmantes. Estas conversaciones llevaron hasta una especie de trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) para algunas mujeres, ya que ellas mismas han experimentado acoso sexual y discriminación.
The 2016 presidential electoral campaign brought up issues that were disturbing to many women. The criteria for fitness of the woman candidate for the office of president, such as comments about the clothes she wore, for example, were standards seemingly not imposed on male candidates in the race. The comments surrounding women’s bodies were also alarming. These conversations brought up a sort of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for some women, as they themselves have experienced sexual harassment and discrimination.
What role does the church play in advocating for women’s equality? Pastor Erin Wathen argues it must play a much larger role than it historically has. While the rhetoric against women and their bodies has changed as women’s roles in public life have evolved, so too has misogyny.