
Learning from those we ignore

A prayerful reflection that we might grow to see the world and our fellow human beings throough eyes that see more the way God sees them.

New Testament professor retraces steps of first disciples

Over two mornings at the 2016 ARMSS/POAMN conference—a national event jointly sponsored by the Association of Retired Ministers, Their Spouses or Survivors and the Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network — the Rev. Dr. John T. Carroll shared his wisdom in a comprehensive, two-part keynote address with broad implications for his audience of pastors, educators, and others engaged in ministry with older adults.

Newly-published study affirms place of ‘Wisdom’ in today’s culture

Because the Wisdom literature of the Bible—Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes—can offer invaluable guidance in addressing the challenging issues facing contemporary culture, Congregational Ministries Publishing (CMP) has released a new study entitled Wisdom, the latest in its popular Being Reformed series.