washington d.c.

Poor People’s Campaign plans June 18 March on Washington

Presbyterians and other people of faith are being encouraged to begin making plans to participate in a march and assembly of poor people and low-wage workers that the Poor People’s Campaign will hold this summer in Washington, D.C.

No such thing as neutral

This is it. The hard conversation. You’re prepared to lead your church group in the difficult work of antiracism. You’ve researched the perfect book. You’ve got the webinar cued up. You have your difficult but necessary questions prepared. But have you done your own work?

Martha H. Reisner named church consultant in Mid-Atlantic region

Martha H. Reisner has been named Church Consultant for The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), assigned to the greater Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. She joins the Board from Capital Region Theological Center (CRTC), where she was Executive Director.

Detroit pastor is keynote speaker at Compassion, Peace and Justice Training Day

For the Rev. Kevin Johnson, the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the aftermath that surrounded his death, became a pivotal turning point in his life. Raised in Washington, D.C., Johnson climbed the stairwell of a high rise under construction after the shooting and witnessed a city in anger as riots broke out in the nation’s capital.