vital conversations

Among the most vital of conversations

Based on the new commandment Jesus gave in John 13:34, where he instructed his disciples “to love one another, just as I have loved you,” four church leaders were asked how that passage applied to vital congregations — and how this kind of love has been demonstrated or even changed during the pandemic.

There’s no secret sauce for cooking up Spirit-inspired worship

Four Presbyterians took a crack Wednesday at defining what Spirit-inspired worship looks and feels like during a Vital Conversations webinar hosted by 1001 New Worshiping Communities and the Office of Vital Congregations. Watch the webinar here.

Maintaining an outward focus

As the Vital Conversations series moved toward one of the most important marks of Vital Congregations — keeping the focus outward rather than inward — organizers landed four speakers for Wednesday’s session uniquely qualified to offer up their experiences and share their views.

‘That’s what we need to root out’

One moment emerged above all the others recently during a “Vital Conversations” webinar hosted by the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Office of Vital Congregations. While discussing how it feels to enter a room full of white people, the Rev. Shanea D. Leonard, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s associate for Gender & Racial Justice, talked about scanning the room for a person of color to chat with. Sometimes the search produces no one.

‘Empower Servant Leaders’

Each Wednesday at 3 p.m. Eastern Time, the office of Vital Congregations of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) hosts an online “vital conversation” via Zoom and Facebook Live. The current series is focusing on the Seven Marks of Vital Congregations, such as Wednesday’s conversation “All Voices on Deck,” which examined the role of the church’s translation services ministry in empowering servant leaders for the church.