Vital Congregations

‘This is what makes us strong’

In a true celebration Black history, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s weekly worship service Wednesday reminded worshipers of the sorrows of the past and the joys of the future for African Americans. The service celebrated the gifts, skills and coping strategies of Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) as the theme for the month-long celebration “Resiliency to Recovery” was observed.

8 habits for spreading the Good News

Evangelism isn’t “marketing.” It’s about living life so others see Jesus in you and as a result, they also want to follow Christ.

Being church in a COVID world

What can you do with a photo of paper clips and a Zoom chat box? Quite a lot — and it might be just the thing to open up a discussion on innovation and empowering servant leaders.

Sixty-four African American churches receive booster grants

When Theology, Formation & Evangelism ministries realized they had some underspent funds in their budget this year, the Rev. Carlton Johnson, coordinator for Vital Congregations, had an idea: Why not use the funds to support  historically underserved African American churches in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)?

Hymns from the heart of the Black church

LOUISVILLE — Whenever the Rev. Carlton Johnson talks about hymns from the heart of the Black church, he feels a responsibility to carry on the tradition of his ancestors. For their hymns are, as W.E.B. Du Bois observed, “the most original and beautiful expression of human life and longing born on American soil.”