Vietnamese Presbyterian Church

Give 8/28 to be a part of the PC(USA)’s Week of Action

As the Bearing Witness team prepares for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Week of Action, August 23-29, efforts to ensure that Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries (RE&WIM) can continue to develop leaders of color within the denomination are well under way.

First woman installed as senior minister of Vietnamese congregation

The Rev. Huong Dang, best known as “Cedar,” has been installed as pastor of the Vietnamese Presbyterian Church (VPC) in Garden Grove, California. She is the first woman to be installed as senior minister of a Vietnamese-language congregation in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

First woman installed as senior minister of Presbyterian congregation

The Rev. Huong Dang, best known as “Cedar,” was installed this past Sunday as pastor of the Vietnamese Presbyterian Church (VPC) in Garden Grove, California. She is the first woman to be installed as senior minister of a Vietnamese-language congregation in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)