Driven to Reach Excellence & Academic Achievement for Males (DREAAM) is excited to report on a recent international experience that was aimed at enhancing excellence in achievement, engagement, and behavioral and mental health among boys and young men ages 3–24 years old.
Driven to Reach Excellence & Academic Achievement for Males (DREAAM) is excited to report on a recent international experience that was aimed at enhancing excellence in achievement, engagement, and behavioral and mental health among boys and young men ages 3–24 years old.
LOUISVILLE – One van, five days.
That’s all it took to change the worldview of six young people. That, plus three committed adult leaders, a whole lot of faith and one big DREAAM.
DREAAM, an acronym for Driven to Reach Excellence and Academic Achievement for Males, is a program designed to reach, teach and invest in African American boys at risk and to walk alongside them and their families beginning at the early age of 3 until they reach the age of 24.
These days she’s the Rev. Dr. Rebecca L. Davis, who teaches seminarians about education at Union Presbyterian Seminary’s Charlotte, North Carolina, campus. When she was 9 and growing up in West Virginia, that role would have been difficult to fathom.
Having grown up as a Black Baptist in Mississippi, Tracy Dace freely admits that when he first walked into First Presbyterian Church of Champaign, Ill., he did so cautiously.
When you visit the DREAAM House you see young boys preparing for their greatness. A group of pre-K age boys, who live in neighborhoods that sometimes placed them at risk, entered the DREAAM House for the first time in July of 2015.