
WCC conference draws more than 1,000 to Tanzania

More than 1,000 people representing churches around the world recently met in Arusha, Tanzania, for the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) Conference, which is held every decade. The attendees included a strong contingent from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The participants explored the conference theme, “Moving in the Spirit: Called to Transforming Discipleship.”

Arusha mission conference closes with sending service

The Conference on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) — held in Arusha, Tanzania March 8-13 — officially closed with a “sending service” during which participants reflected on their call to discipleship and the significance of such a call in transforming mission in a world of pain, dislocation and turmoil.

Empowering women in East Africa

As the organizer and secretary of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) National Woman’s Guild, she’s working to change the perception about women in East Africa.