synod of the sun

Getting connected in San Marcos, Texas

When Jesse Hernandez arrived at Texas State University four years ago, he and a friend began looking for campus ministries.

Big decisions along the border

Two college students who participated in a border ministry event last year found that the biggest impact came within themselves, and they responded by dedicating their lives to serving others.

Showers and blessings

The people of First Presbyterian Church of Plano are adding blessings to the showers a local organization provides for homeless people.

Love and literacy behind prison walls

When a group of Presbyterian women came to the state prison where Shanon Anderson was incarcerated, she quickly learned the program they offer provides more than reading and writing. It’s all about love.

Online worship is ‘not a show that you consume’

Social media is an engaging tool for talented extroverts like the Rev. Josh Kerr, who you can see making viral dance moves on TikTok or advising, “Don’t burp in your mask. Trust me,” on Facebook. Kerr, 37, amuses, educates and inspires people of all ages — even those who seek pastoral care and discernment. However, what is not fit for a stage, says Kerr, is worship.

Commissioned ruling elders and online worship

Having postponed until fall an in-person conference designed for commissioned ruling elders, the Synod of the Sun did the next best thing Thursday, broadcasting a lively webinar on authentic worship. Thomas Riggs, the synod’s communication and administrative coordinator, and the Rev. Tim Gray, co-pastor at University Presbyterian Church in El Paso, Texas, shared with participants some of what they’ve learned about providing effective authentic online worship.

MRTI shares first round of General Assembly environmental compliance scores

The Presbyterian Church’s Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment has completed its first round of scoring corporations’ environmental records, finding some are making progress and others are at risk of potential divestment recommendations.