synod of the northeast

Minding the gap in the Presbytery of New York City

This past summer, on the heels of bidding “Happy Retirement” to its executive presbyter, the Rev. Dr. Robert Foltz-Morrison, the Presbytery of New York City launched a search process for a transitional/interim EP ahead of an anticipated search for a “permanent” EP.

When culture is a roadblock

Korean immigrant churches in the PC(USA) continue to be less inclined to have female pastors, but Korean clergywomen are finding other ways to serve.

Racial Justice Resources page now available online

“Racial Justice Resources,” what is for now a one-page list of resources to help bring about racial justice in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the wider world, is now available. Click here to view what’s currently offered. The list of resources will grow as more resources are developed.