
Unglued Church: At the end of the rope

As an adviser for the Unglued Church, a program in Pittsburgh Presbytery for help with church change, I encounter a lot of churches at the end of their rope. It’s a time in a church’s life when it’s important to emphasize the importance of thinking beyond survival, and how the congregation might imagine leaving a legacy for God’s ministry and mission.

PC(USA) reports mid-year growth in congregational giving

Reversing several years of a downward trend in congregational giving, a report today from to the Audit and Finance committees of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board showed 2016 mid-year giving at $2,794,449, which is an increase of $1,000,699 over the budgeted $1,793,750, and $610,021 over last year’s mid-year mark.

Going green at General Assembly

This month, the 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will gather in Portland, Oregon. Commissioners will debate our denomination’s investment in fossil fuels and commitment to creation care, among many other issues. But the theme of environmental justice will hover over the entire assembly, going far beyond the overtures to be addressed in committees.