
Share your CARES money (if you can)

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, also known as the CARES Act, is giving most Americans a stimulus check that the U.S. Treasury says should be directly deposited in many bank accounts starting this week. As this money arrives, many people are beginning to think about how they will spend it — and I want to invite you to #ShareYourCares, if you can.

No more stingy stewardship

Stewardship is not simply asking for pledges at the end of the year to meet the needs of the church’s budget for the following year. Stewardship is a theological statement — a way of life. And it comes from believing that we are beloved children of God.

Faith raising, not fundraising

In the minds of many Presbyterians, the concept of stewardship is forever linked to the church’s fall fundraising campaign to support the budget. This multi-week drive culminates in “Stewardship Sunday,” during which pledge cards are brought forward and prayers are offered that the money represented there will be enough. This process makes some people so uncomfortable that they confess to skipping church, claiming, “I don’t want to listen to talk about money for an entire month.”

A new look at stewardship

Our culture has convinced us that abundant life is about getting more — anything that’s newer and better — and getting it sooner. The urge to consume now and pay later is often fed by a fear of scarcity and the myth that if we don’t own the latest and greatest (insert item here) we will be left out of the crowd.

No more stingy stewardship

Stewardship is not simply asking for pledges at the end of the year to meet the needs of the church’s budget for the following year. Stewardship is a theological statement — a way of life. And it comes from believing that we are beloved children of God.

Coming to a pulpit near you: Food Waste Weekend

During Food Waste Weekend Sept. 6–8, clergy of all faiths are encouraged share a sermon about the growing problem of food waste and hunger in America. If this weekend is not convenient, congregations can choose any Sunday of the year to focus a sermon on food waste and hunger.

Faithraising, not fundraising

In the minds of many Presbyterians, the concept of stewardship is forever linked to the church’s fall fundraising campaign to support the budget. This multi-week drive culminates in “Stewardship Sunday,” during which pledge cards are brought forward and prayers are offered that the money represented there will be enough. This process makes some people so uncomfortable that they confess to skipping church, claiming, “I don’t want to listen to talk about money for an entire month.”

Seeking inclusive stewardship

A quick search on the internet leads to countless facts about shifting American diversity. For example, in 2007, Rodríguez and García joined the top 10 list of most popular last names in the United States. And, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, beginning in 2030, the country will grow more by international migration than birth within its borders.

Addressing our hesitancy to give freely

My son recently finished the requirements for the Boy Scouts’ highest honor, Eagle Scout. As part of his final project, he designed and built a Little Free Pantry and a Little Free Library, providing food and books to those in need in our community.