st. louis

Mantenemos la fe: Conversaciones Sagradas sobre la Raza

La edición de agosto del 2017 de «Mantenemos la Fe» en St. Louis, lugar de la reunión de La Gran Carpa y la próxima Asamblea General, ya está disponible para su visualización y descarga.

Keeping Faith: Sacred Conversations on Race

The August 2017 edition of Keeping Faith from St. Louis, the site of this year’s Big Tent gathering and next year’s General Assembly, is now available for viewing and download.

Map highlights historic Presbyterian sites in St. Louis area

A map can be an essential tool for anyone embarking on a road trip. Now a different kind of map — an interactive map of Presbyterian historic sites — is available for those headed to St. Louis to attend the 223rd General Assembly from June 16–23, 2018. The new online map, developed by staff in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Office of the General Assembly, gives locations and information about 13 historic churches and other sites in the St. Louis area.

빅텐트 폐회예배는 변화의 씨앗을 심고 경작하도록 장려함

세인트 루이스 – 신약에서 예수님은 씨 뿌리는 자의 비유를 제자들과 나누셨다. 그 이야기에서 예수님은 씨 뿌리는 자들이 씨를 뿌릴 때 바위 같은 땅에 떨어지거나 가시 나무에 떨어지거나 다른 씨앗이 풍부한 땅에서 번성 할 수 있다고 설명한다.

Big Tent attendees engage in dialog with St. Louis churches

Nearly 300 Big Tent participants were treated to Friday evening visits at one of five area Presbyterian congregations to hear various St. Louis experiences of racism and to begin processing the “Holy Conversations around Race” that began during this week’s event.

Big Tent Plenary addresses Ferguson three years later

The shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri nearly three years ago, continues to impact the communities of St. Louis and the nation. That’s the assessment of a panel discussion titled “Grounding Big Tent in the St. Louis Context” held at Big Tent on Thursday.

Big Tent 2017 kicks off in St. Louis

The picturesque campus of Washington University will play host to over 600 attendees as Big Tent 2017, the biennial event of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), gets underway today.

Dirty hands, tired feet and elevated spirits in St. Louis

When J. Herbert Nelson II, Stated Clerk for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), began touting his Hands and Feet initiative at last winter’s Montreat College Conference and initiative manager Andrew Yeager-Buckley talked up its service/learning opportunities, the UKirk campus ministry at Michigan State University (MSU) immediately signed on.