Registration has begun for an interactive workshop that will explore the connections between food sovereignty and climate justice and encourage participants to take action.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) and the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks are responding to wildfires that impacted the area between Boulder and Denver, Colorado in the last days of 2021.
For its final broadcast of 2021, Between Two Pulpits brings viewers up to date on a Minnesota congregation’s innovative — and productive — Alternative Christmas Marketplace.
Davis Mills looked down at the painting in a box in the back parking lot of First Presbyterian Church in Mayfield, Kentucky, late Saturday afternoon and said, “That’s what it used to look like.”
As he strode purposefully down Broadway against the cold, New York City air last Sunday, the Rev. Chris Shelton had a song in his heart.
One he had written himself.
Gifts given through the Christmas Joy Offering go in part to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions, and two officials there were happy to appear on Between Two Pulpits Monday to talk about ways that assistance is being enhanced beginning Jan. 1, 2022, to benefit even more workers in ministries affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
If you want to become better equipped to educate others about climate change, now is your chance to register for training that leads to becoming a certified Blessed Tomorrow Climate Ambassador.