
Unity and justice on display ministering in America’s Second City

The Rev. Otis Moss III, pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, and Tanya Watkins, executive director of Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation, which carries the memorable acronym SOUL, may take slightly different approaches to serving their community.

A Presbyterian pastor’s top 10 films for 2020

Despite the curtailment of theater-going by the pandemic, 2020 was nonetheless a good one for those looking for films that do more than entertain us. I was again hard-pressed to pare down to just 10 my list of 20 or so films dealing seriously with ethics or social justice. Thus, as usual, you will find at the end of the article a list of other worthy films you should also watch before the end of the year.

What Presbyterians Believe: Presbyterian Spirituality

Why do we so often misunderstand our spirituality? As Presbyterians, we tend to live in our heads as if our bodies were disconnected from our intellectual faith. Our worship is mostly related to what we think and less on how we move. For example, if we see someone dancing in our worship service, we tend to see it as an improper way of worshiping God. I am not advocating for irrationality but rather, to have us think as well as feel, dance, smell, taste and touch, as ways of developing our spirituality.

장로교인들이 믿는 것: 장로교 영성

몸과 마음의 재결합 클라우디오 카르발에스 | Presbyterian Today 이 기사는 2018년 2월/3월호 Presbyterians Today에서 발췌 한 것이다. 왜 우리는 종종 우리의 영성을 오해합니까? 장로교인으로서, 우리는 우리의 육체가 우리의 지적 믿음과… Read more »